
13 May, 2013

Carlops hike

On Saturday, I joined a group hike from Carlops, a small town about 30 minutes south of Edinburgh. The weather was challenging that day, with strong winds that pelted our faces with rain during one section of the hike. The landscape was beautiful though, with a few farmhouses and abundant sheep! After the hike, we relaxed at the pub in Carlops. The group was diverse, including a man on sabbatical from Greece and two women from Spain. Chris, who gave me a recommendation on my beverage, had also recently applied for a seasonal job in Edinburgh to scout for Dutch Elm disease.

A charming row of houses in Carlops.

These lambs are only about 1-2 weeks old. Apparently, the lambing season has been late this year due to a colder spring than normal. 

It looks rather innocuous at this point..

A dry stacked wall with wire over top keeps the sheep corralled.

Green as far as the eye can see, with some reeds as contrast.

The wind was so strong going up this hill!

Leaning against a gate to take a picture back down the hill.

On the other side of the hill, we came upon North Esk Reservoir

A few people were fly fishing on the banks.

Warning: Unsafe Structure

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